Virtual studio set ups pics and images
Virtual studio set ups pics and images

virtual studio set ups pics and images

So my "preoccupied mom" excuse is not only lame, it's expiredīut, when I finally did notice those birch trees in my local grocery story parking lot, I focused on this one in particular. My children have been grown and out of the house and buying there own groceries for over 5 years now. I can't even blame the fact that I had been a busy mom, too preoccupied to notice trees while shopping for food for my family.

virtual studio set ups pics and images

there is where it had been all along, along with several other birch trees, that had been there in the parking lot since the store first opened, and I started shopping there 20 years ago! Yes, I had been parking in that lot for 20 years and hadn't noticed that the trees on the various concrete islands were indeed birch.Īs an artist, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement for my observation skills. I kept asking family, peers and friends, but nobody really knew where to direct me. Funny thing was, I had been looking for a birch tree to photograph and possibly turn into a painting for nearly a year. Months), since I first spotted this Birch Tree in the parking lot of my local Publix Grocery Store. It's been a journey, to say the least (11

virtual studio set ups pics and images

I have just finished "Enchanted Birch" - Colored Pencil on an Ambersand

Virtual studio set ups pics and images