In contrast RxODE defines ODE systems at a lower level.
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These reactions create the underlying ODEs and then created c code for a compiled deSolve model.

Unlike RxODE, mrgsolve does not currently support symbolic manipulation of ODE systems, like automatic Jacobian calculation or forward sensitivity calculation ( RxODE currently supports this and this is the basis of nlmixr’s FOCEi algorithm)ĭMod, which uses a unique syntax to create “reactions”. In contrast, RxODE has a R-like mini-language that is parsed into C code that solves the ODE system. The user is required to write hybrid R/C++ code to create a mrgsolve model which is translated to C++ for solving. Mrgsolve, which uses C++ lsoda solver to solve ODE systems. Each uses compiled code to have faster ODE solving.

However for pharmacometrics-specific ODE solving, there are only 2 packages other than RxODE released on CRAN. There are several R packages for differential equations. This is a brief comparison of pharmacometric ODE solving R packages to RxODE. You can see the compartment values in the plot below: